node sale is planned to take it's course over 3 seasons
Each season will have it's own set of partners, integration and milestones and distribution venues. Every Season will have it's showrunner as well — the key partner that will drive the sale process.
The Galactica Node Distribution (GND) is a process whereby one can make a donation for a digital certificate that when enabled, allows the holder to perform tasks that determine a weight of the user relative to other eligible users in a GNET inflation distribution process. Only the holders of such digital certificates are eligible to compete for inflation rewards.
Two distinct types of such certificates exist: Galactica Citizen Node (GCN) and Galactica Node Shard (GNS). The key differences between them are the price, activation process, functionality, attainable tasks, and eligible reward pools.
You'll Get
You Own
Validator Fees*
UBI Rewards**
NodeDrop Rewards
Staking Rewards***
Will you need zkKYC to claim?
A Full Node (GCN)(From = $399)
Shard Nodes (GNS)(and spent $100 or more)
Shard Nodes (GNS)(but spent $99 or less)
$GNET Tokens
*GCN holders have the right to run a Validator Node, but not the obligation to do so.***Rewards are earned by Staking your GNET with the validator(s) of your choice**Shard Node holders will earn less UBI Airdrop than Full Node holders.
Galactica Node Distribution
Tiers & SBT Activation
Nodes are tranched into Tiers (40 in this case), every Tier having the following parameters:
A Node price — strictly increasing 10.5x
Number of nodes offered — a total of 56,400
Rewards divided in three categories:
Galactica NodeDrop
Galactica Validation rewards
Merit Based Airdrop / UBI
GND Tier refers to the participation round — for example, as soon as sufficient donations have been made to cover the maximum USD amount in that particular Tier, then the subsequent Tier is activated and the previous one is no longer accessible.
If an individual has contributed such an amount that it would be sufficient to cover the cost of a Node in the Tier in which they participate they will be granted with a Galactica Citizen Node SBT;
If not, they will be granted with Galactica Node Shard SBT.
The figure below illustrates the aforementioned, by taking as an example Tier 1.
Node Rewards
The SBTs provide the holder with the right to participate in a series of activities whereby the holders have to perform actions. By doing these activities, they will be able to activate their SBTs and receive part of the GNET supply.
In particular, the process is as follows:
A user has participated in a GND and has acquired a GCN SBT or GNS SBT on a digital wallet.
A user is then entitled to install a Galactica Passport Interface or a CypherBook interface for GCN and GNS respectively. The difference between the two interfaces is the number of tasks one can perform and corresponding rewards one can accrue for performing these tasks, e.g. only a GCN holder through his or her Galactica Passport Interface can engage in governance processes of Galactica Network or deploy a validator node.
In order to activate either GCN SBT or GNS SBT, the user has to perform a number of required tasks.
From either interface, upon activating one’s GCN SBT or GNS SBT a user can access a Soul Matrix - a software that enables users to earn Points for performing certain predefined tasks, such as making a post in social media or deploying a validator node.
Using Soul Matrix, the user is guided on which tasks to perform and how many Points each of the tasks awards. Over a period of time, users are ranked on a leaderboard, where one’s position is determined by the amount and quality of tasks performed. The said time period lasts for one month initially, increasing to one quarter after a period of time.
Depending on the Points earned at the end of a period, the amount of Points the user has scored is compared against the Point scores of other users and in this fashion the weight of a user is calculated. Based on this weight, a portion of inflation accrued over the preceding quarter is distributed to one’s wallet address.
The figure below demonstrates what each individual would receive (if they have activated their SBTs).
Types of SBTs and the appropriate rewards upon their activation
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 GNET
GNET Release ScheduleFirst 10 years
Inflation Release Schedule
All the information herein is subject to change without prior notice before the closure of each Tier. This material is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be used as legal, business, investment, financial, or tax advice. Please consult your own professional advisers regarding these matters. References to digital assets and financial terminology are for illustrative purposes only and do not constitute recommendations or offers for investment, financial, or advisory services. This content should not be relied upon when making decisions to purchase any digital assets mentioned, including Galactica nodes or Galactica tokens. There is no guarantee that the investments discussed will be profitable. The digital assets referenced in this content face an uncertain regulatory environment in various jurisdictions. The legal and regulatory risks associated with these digital assets are not covered in this material. The information is accurate only as of the date indicated.